Friday, August 1, 2008

A Week with Nana and Papa

Tomorrow I am leaving, along with Hayden, and a small group of teens and leaders from church to go to San Francisco for a missions trip. We are leaving ALL of the boys at my parents house for the week. I brought the boys down to Olympia tonight so they could get settled with one of us here instead of dropping them off quickly in the morning. I wasn't originally planning on going but one of our leaders had to stay here last minute, so I am going in his place. We are really excited, yet apprehensive at the idea of leaving everyone for a week. Most of all, Hewitt and Titus. My parents are thrilled to have them for the week so that eases some of the worry. I know they will have fun and they are in good hands. But, we are driving and are 12 hours away by car...I have to keep reassuring myself that if there was an emergency I could get an emergency flight home and that it will be will be okay.

We had two fun surprises today. The first was getting to watch the Blue Angels diving and swooping and speeding all over the place as we drove through Seattle. It was so incredible to watch them, even just from the car. Traffic was slow, but what a great reason to actually enjoy slowing down for a minute. Our second surprise came when a fire engine drove down my parents rural cul-de-sac and stopped when they saw the boys out and let them have a tour! It was a brand new engine and they had a blast climbing around, sitting in the driver's and passenger seats, watching the lights come on, and when they left they ran the siren for a minute. It was priceless and a great way to start their week at Papa and Nana's! In all my anxiety, I can see God's blessing already coming through.

Please pray that we would be focused this week and be a blessing to those we are serving. Also for continued safety for our family and those on this trip.


Anonymous said...

Colleen and Hayden you are in my thoughts! I sooo admire your strength and love for your little angel as well as your love for God. It's normal to be upset and frustrated, but it's God teaching us to accept his plan whether we agree or make sense of it now. Don't beat yourself up for how you feel, it's what makes us human and real. I understand the fear of the unkown, but have found accepting God's plan has given me peace and strength. I stopped trying to figure out why, and starting thanking God for strength. You are amazing parents and Hewitt is blessed to have you and his three brothers that will always protect and love him! They too will help teach others to ignore and break down stereotypes. Stay strong and NEVER be afraid to challenge a doctor's decision or medication, even though it's tough. We know our children better than anyone else and know the difference between normal and abnormal. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! I love you and am here if you there's anything I can do to help!!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that you are not alone in your battle. My son will be 3 in September and had his first seizure on March 27th, a day etched forever in my mind. We have yet to get a formal diagnosis but we are sure it is going to go 1 of 2 ways and it is sad but we are hoping for Doose. Head drops, absence's and jerks are numerous and daily for my little man and I am still filled with anger that my perfectly healthy boy has this craziness going on. The drugs cause him to shake like an 80 year old man and act like a madman. I know how amazing it has been for me to reach out to those who have an idea of the fear, anger, grief...... I can be reached at if you ever need to vent to someone who understands. Thank you for sharing your story.