Friday, August 15, 2008

Optimism or something like it

In my quest to be a more optimistic person I often find myself caught between looking at the bright side and telling the truth of what's really going on. Sometimes the two don't line up...these days the two seem to have a hard time meeting up around here. I guess what I struggle with is what exactly is optimism? Is it looking at the "bright side?" Is it having the "right" attitude about something...would it be saying "today Hewitt only had 100 seizures instead of 300." Or, would it be saying I'm so thankful Hewitt only has seizures and epilepsy and not a terminal illness? I keep trying to find this balance because it doesn't seem fair to Hewitt to compare what he's experiencing with something worse. There will always be something worse. But the fact that there's something worse doesn't change that his quality of life is significantly less than it was 5 months ago. It doesn't change that he has scar tissue build up over his right eye because he's hit that part of his head so many times from the drops. It doesn't change the fact that he knows he can't get up and walk around without his helmet on. He knows if he wants to get around on the hard floor he has to scoot on his bottom. Every time I see him do this without me telling him to, I want to scream. And, although it really is a blessing to me that he's not fighting me on it...I wish he was. I wish he wanted to get up and walk everywhere on his own without me holding his wrist, I wish that he wouldn't be okay with sitting in bed for a whole day hooked up to wires and being videotaped, I wish he hated his ridiculously large hockey helmet that protects his little face...I just wish he didn't have to do this. I want to take it away from him so badly and I hate that I can't. I just can't. So, part of me says screw optimism, why bother...there will be a day when I can look at life through those eyes again, but that day is not today. Today I'm sad and I'm frustrated that this has become normal for us. I don't want this to be normal. I don't want it to be my "new normal." But, I know I can't go through life this way, or even the rest of the week. It doesn't work, because I have 4 little boys looking to me for how to live and I certainly don't want to see my sadness on their faces. So, tonight I will lay this at God's feet once again, go to sleep, and get up and do it all over again. There will be a better day, a better week, a better month. I have to hope for that. So, maybe optimism does work. Maybe I just need to change my definition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see your family today, even if only for a few brief seconds. I'll have to admit that I haven't been praying for you guys as often as I want to and seeing y'all helped me to do so while I weed-whacked. When I have been praying, I've been doing a format that the high school speaker suggested - Adoration, Wait, Confession, Intercession, Personal, and Adoration again (AWCIPA). So when I started to praise God for your situation, I thought of one of the last times I talked with Hewitt at camp when we were at the pool. He said "who is your friend Nick?" Although I didn't really care that he forgot my name, due to his state of mind, I praised God that not only he knew my name, but he spoke regularly and knew I was also going weed-whackin'.

I also thought about the verses I have been memorizing over the summer, specifically from Hebrews 11. The first verse says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." I have noticed for myself that it is easy to have "faith" when things are going our way, but does it really ever get tested if things were always easy? I can testify how hard it is to be able to see the "light at the end of the tunnel," especially if the tunnel is caving in. But I know from my own experiences and from what the Bible promises that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

~Jason Quey