Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thank you

Yesterday, I had the biggest weight lifted off of my shoulders. Let me explain.

The end of last week Hewitt continued to regress in his seizure activity. We were/are back to hours on the couch sitting, drooling, staring off and barely talking. I was in a panic because I no longer feel like I can trust the Dr. we had our care with and wasn't sure who to call. I emailed our pediatrician, who has been a huge support through all of this, and asked her for some ideas, options, anything. She started calling trying to get us into Swedish to the Dr. we were supposed to see to begin with. We didn't get in before the weekend, but yesterday we got a call at 2:00 saying the had a cancellation and could we come at 3:30?! We said, yes, closed down the shop and took him in. I hate going to appointments rushed and unprepared, but getting this appointment was an act of God, so I was trying to just trust He would give me what I needed when we got there. Our pediatrician had the opportunity to speak the epileptologist before we went in and she got him up to speed on our experience with Dr.'s and where Hewitt is at now.
This was the best appointment we've had since this all started 9 months ago. The Dr. was very knowledgeable without a major ego, we talked about med options, treatment options and the different things we've read about them. For the first time in all of this I felt like I was talking to a Dr. that had actually read and studied more about Doose and the treatment than I had. WOW! What a great feeling! I am just praising God right now for his intervention and provision. Hewitt still isn't doing great, but we have a plan in place and I feel quite hopeful about finding something to help him.

Thank you all for all of your prayers. We appreciate your support.


Anonymous said...

colleen, please call me when you get a chance... I would love to talk with you. we are having a snow day today (no snow - just freezing rain)
Love and miss you

nell#3 said...

hey colleen!
we're so glad to here that things are getting better and that you've found a doctor that you're on the same page with. we miss you all so much and are praying for you guys every day!
love you so much,
janelle... and family too :)

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and yours!