Thursday, September 4, 2008

still doing well

Tomorrow is the day we were supposed to go see our third pediatric epileptologist in the area. As it turns out, he's sick. He does, however, have a partner and we have the opportunity to see her tomorrow instead. It's not quite what we were hoping for, but we're trusting that God knows best - and leaving it at that. I do have a couple prayer requests for tomorrow.

The first: They have requested ANOTHER EEG. It's at 8:00 in the morning, he has to be sleep deprived and it's downtown Seattle at Swedish. We've got a few things working against us. First of all, they asked us to get him up 4 hours early...that is absolutely not happening. What on earth would I do at 3:00 in the morning with Hewitt that could possibly keep him awake? Our plan is to keep him awake as late as we can and then wake him up at 6. I don't think he'll have a hard time sleeping. But, this is the 3rd EEG he's had in 2 months, so I'm hoping he won't be too weary of it all! Also, we'll be in prime traffic time, so we're going to have to leave pretty early and he CANNOT fall asleep in the car, but only one of us can go, so that should be interesting. After the EEG, we come home and then go back downtown at 2:00 for our appointment.

The second request is for our time with the epileptologist. After our recent diet changes and results I am praying for someone that will be open to what we've discovered, and a desire to pursue why it's worked. We really hope we can help other people with this discovery. Our heart's desire is to have a physician that will see Hewitt as a person - a child who is hurting, missing out on a lot of life, and have compassion for him. We are hoping she will be a person that isn't so caught up in her knowledge that she isn't open to learning something new and someone that wants to work with us, not just tell us what to do. WOW! Not a whole lot of expectation, right?! Maybe I should print that out and take it with us...did I mention I was hoping for her to also have a cure for epilepsy that didn't involve horrible medicine? It could happen. Thanks for your prayers. I will update again after the appointment and EEG.

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow and say thanks for all of your hard work. I have to say I think Sam is probably one of the exceptions to the other kids in our group as far as your research goes, but I am definitely giving the diet things a lot of thought! I will keep your family in my prayers . . .let me know how it goes!