Thursday, May 22, 2008


As I posted before, Hewitt's seizure streak was broken last Wednesday while my Dad was watching him. Since then, he has continued to gradually have more seizures. Friday morning he had a big seizure in bed with us, we had to use the emergency meds to stop it which we've never had to do before. We were a minute away from having to call 911.

Before we went to sleep the night before, we talked about how wierd it would be to see a big one since it's been over 3 weeks since he had one. That is a praise. But, now he's had 2 more since Friday and thankfully they've stopped themselves. They continue to increase but we go in tomorrow to meet with the neuro again. I do not like the second medication she has added. He has been having odd side effects that leave us very uneasy: anger, aggression, sadness, wierd thoughts. Not to mention, the increased seizures this last week. If anything significant changes after tomorow, I will let you know.

She prescribed him for a helmet this week. We have mixed feelings about it, but know that we should probably do it for his safety. He had a drop on the concrete Monday night and nailed the back of his head pretty hard. Poor baby. He braves it all very well though and is very tough!


Anonymous said...

i appreciate your updates. i know how to better pray for you and your family. love k

Anonymous said...

i love your honesty on what is going with you right now. keep turning to God for strength. love you k

Anonymous said...

remember you are not alone in this battle. you have many people lifting you up in prayer and loving you and your family from a far. k

Anonymous said...

your boys are a blessing to me. when i read your blog on "idols" my eyes welled with tears.

Anonymous said...

colleen, you are such an amazing role model to me of the trials you pursue and how you go about overcoming them and seeking God. seriously, you and your blessing have been such a big blessing to the church and to me personally [:

i'm always here when you need me !!!!!!!

always praying for you,